Natural History Photography

I make technical photographs for a wide range of applications. The primary focus of my work are North American mountain systems. My professional objective is to create photographic prints of Earth in its natural state.

With an education in photography and studio art, I specialize in the large format film process. My photographs are made with the intention of preserving and archiving a specific visual subject. As such, utilizing large format sheet film provides the greatest tangible physical original of the subject. Additionally, view cameras provide complete manual control over the entire image making process - allowing for deliberately crafted photographs of exceptional quality.

Printmaking and darkroom work have been synonymous with photography since I began study. As such, I intensely pursued an education in silver gelatin printmaking and creating a workflow that allowed for that final hands on print medium. Integrating the use of color transparency films forced me to explore printmaking methods suitable and practical for color film. This endeavor blossomed into a deliberately crafted film to digital hybrid workflow in which I utilize digital printmaking methods with high resolution drum scanning to create prints from a wide range of color film mediums. A chemical-to-digital workflow allows for diverse image use, for creative and commercial applications alike.

My professional background is built around fine art exhibition photography and commercial applied imaging.

© 2024 Kyle DeClerck